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Misunderstood: In Love with the Nerd (The Miss Series Book 2) Page 8

  After her second tap he opened the door and looked slightly disorientated. He blinked, used his finger to slide his glasses up his nose, and then shoved his hands into his back pockets. “Wow, you look nice.”

  Her smile came naturally. Pivoting on her heel, she gave him a complete view. “Thank you very much. You don’t think it looks too sinful?”

  Her teasing smile had him grinning in response. “You might have to offer up a few hale Mary’s.”

  “Oh, Daniel.” Her countenance turned from teasing to eagerness. “I’m just so ecstatic—”

  A noise from the back of his apartment arrested her excitement. “Is someone here?”

  He looked indifferent and gave a short nod, but asked instead, “What’s so exciting?”

  Who was in his apartment? He never had company. She looked past him and tried to see if she saw anyone. The apartment was quiet again. Then turning her focus back to him, she answered, “Tonight is my first performance.”

  He smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Right.”

  A second sound from the apartment broke the silence between them and even had Daniel shooting a glance over his shoulder.

  “Who’s here?” Her interest was truly piqued.

  “My intern.”

  She immediately became peeved and knew she took him by surprise when she declared, “Jeez, don’t you ever get time off?”

  He paused then took his time in responding, as if he were being cautious with his words. Usually, any shop talk would bore her to tears, however at that moment Sonya very much wanted to discuss his work and the ungodly hours they demanded from him.

  “Occasionally,” he finally told her. “We thought a change from the drab walls of the Institute would be refreshing.”

  “I’d say.” She sliced him a scolding look.

  Again he frowned, but continued to add, “Jamie and I didn’t want to miss tonight’s hockey game. It’s the finals in the eastern division.”

  Sonya’s head gave a little start. Anything he said after “Jamie” went unheard. Daniel had a woman in his apartment. Daniel had a woman in his apartment? A vision of a certain redhead leaped into mind.

  She looked at him again. Closer. His hair was disheveled and his eyes were glassy. As a matter-of-fact, he had looked awfully disorientated when he first opened the door. If she wasn’t mistaken, he almost appeared impatient for her to leave.

  This bothered her. She didn’t like getting the brush off. She didn’t like Daniel giving her the brush off. Rooted to the spot, she stared at him. Silently she demanded he fill her in with the sordid details. However, his only response was an inquisitive arch of his brow. Well, if he thought he could brush her off, then he could forget it. She laid out all her relationships. She had a right.

  “Well, good luck,” he said, indicating he was going to shut the door.

  But she ignored him and continued to stare down into his apartment. Who was there? Was it the redhead she had overheard him having a fervent conversation with that day? Or was it someone else? What did she look like? Was she smart? Did she deserve Daniel? What if she was some hussy? Sonya could screen her out. She could do that for him. Who did he say she was? His intern, that was it.

  She sighed. She would be one of his kind. Was it possible that Daniel had finally met someone? Someone as hard-working and dedicated to their similar careers? Someone he could talk to about all those boring computer topics, and she would happily listen with interest. If that was the case, why was their relationship so secretive?

  “Well, I can see that you’re busy so I’ll let you get back to whatever it is you’re doing.”

  He nodded, puzzled by her attitude. “Okay.”

  “All right.” She was hesitant to walk away. At last she gave him and the apartment one last look and headed for the elevators.

  “Hey, Sonya.” Daniel stopped her however. When she looked back, he grinned and said, “Break a leg.”

  “That’s in theatre, Daniel.” Then she produced a parting smile. “But thanks.”

  A feeling of restlessness overcame her as she boarded the elevator. Her big night no longer seemed so significant, her insides never been so dispirited. The shadow casting a wary darkness over her felt heavy and gloomy. Sonya tried to shake it off as stage fright, but knew somehow, her dampened mood had nothing to do with the night ahead for she had not given it one single thought since she left Daniel standing in his entrance. Rather, all she could think about was what this Jamie person was like and if she was worthy of Daniel.

  Daniel could have choked on his words of good luck. He knew that as her friend it was his obligation. Not to mention, a person in a chosen career such as Sonya’s needed all the support they could get. The business was difficult enough. It depended so much on others and how much they were willing to give her a chance.

  That was why it was so hard to be happy for her. He knew what she needed to do in order to earn tonight’s chance at performing. This Tristan character was a scum who Sonya easily fell under the spell of his manipulation. Daniel wanted nothing more than to rid such trash from the face of the earth and as far away from Sonya as possible. He so badly wanted to protect her from such lowlife. But he knew she would never allow it. Especially from him.

  “Who was that?” Jamie asked from the leather sofa.

  Daniel forced himself away from the closed door, drawn from his angry musings to supply, “My neighbor.”


  “Right.” He gave a short nod then came back to the room to occupy the other end of the couch.

  There was no sense going over what he had already hashed out in his mind and conscience countless times. Sonya was an independent and carefree woman. She did what she liked and didn’t bother to see if anyone was hurt in the process. He didn’t doubt it wouldn’t be her who would get hurt. Made of rubber she never allowed anything too close. If someone came closer than she felt comfortable she would fling them aside, discarded and unwanted. It was this he feared most. Someday, he knew, she would discard him just as she did every other man in her life. But for now, he held on as long as he could.

  * * *

  Sonya entered the bar with her frame of mind in little better spirits. As a matter-of-fact, the short drive actually provided her with ample thinking time and a good sense of a kick in the bottom. She would be performing in less than fifteen minutes and she couldn’t have Daniel and his affairs plaguing her mind. There was only one thing she needed to focus on, and that was performing.

  It took no aptness to concede he was different. Finding a mate to match his character would be difficult enough. It certainly wouldn’t happen if he didn’t get out and date. Now that he was, Sonya would need to worry less. Not that she had. Daniel and his personal life were his business. She wanted nothing to do with it. Nevertheless, she couldn’t resist the urge to want to safeguard him from the vultures and tramps whose only interests were in one-night stands.

  He deserved more. He had class and decency written all over him. It was no wonder that she felt an overwhelming urge to probe and scrutinize his prospective female companions. With an angry sigh, Sonya marched into the bar. If she were to start exterminating the worthless females in his life, she would have to begin with herself. Compared to her own flawed person, this Jamie character would look like a saint.

  She cast all thoughts of Daniel and his female relationships aside, and stalked across the nearly empty bar toward Tristan’s office. First, there was a little matter to take care of. Without even bothering to knock, Sonya swung open his door and sailed into his office. She was brought up short when she realized he was not alone.

  Audrey stood in the middle of the room facing him. At Sonya’s unexpected arrival both heads turned in her direction. Both unsmiling. Tristan glanced irritably at Sonya, his hands shoved deep in his trousers. Though, for some reason, she knew he was agitated before she even entered the room.

  Audrey mumbled something then quickly exited the room, scarcely looking in Sonya’s
direction. However, it did not go unnoticed by Sonya the deep flush darkening her friend’s cheeks.

  Sonya glanced back at her boss and an uncomfortable feeling of apprehension crept up her spine. Tristan was a complete rake. He enjoyed flirting openly. For Sonya, it was a welcome attention but for others as guileless as Audrey it would be unwelcome. She hated to admit it but she had been receiving a sense of misgiving where Tristan and Audrey were concerned. Her attempts to draw some kind of admission from her friend came up empty. She knew Audrey valued her job too much to lay allegations against her boss.

  “What was Audrey doing here? It’s her day off.” She demanded with a hint of assertion to her voice.

  He simply shot her a “none of your business” glance before going around to his desk. “Picking up her pay check.”

  She eyed him closer, trying to disclose some kind of comprehension. “You two looked pretty serious when I entered.”

  Tristan shot her a tired look. “We were discussing the events of the other night.”

  Sonya felt a release of unease. “I wanted to talk to you about that as well.”

  “No need.” He brushed her aside and pulled some papers toward him on his desk and sat down. “Audrey explained everything. I apparently owe your friend Daniel an apology.”

  Taken by surprise, she blinked. No wonder they looked so somber when she entered the room. Audrey wasn’t a confrontational person. It would have taken a lot for her to confront Tristan in order to support her friend. It certainly wasn’t necessary. Sonya could defend herself. As a matter-of-fact, she had been looking forward very much to the confrontation between her and Tristan. Maybe a heated confrontation. After disturbing thoughts of Daniel and his female relationships, she had an uncanny urge to vent pent up emotions.

  Nevertheless, she would have to thank her friend. She knew the gesture would have taken a lot of confidence and strength from a meek Audrey.

  The room was silent as Tristan concentrated on the forms in front of him. Though he seemed appeased by Audrey’s explanation of Saturday night’s event, he still appeared displeased. It was possible her friend hadn’t been able to clear all his misgivings. Feeling it might lift his spirits, she supplied, “Daniel is just my neighbor.”

  “I know.” He didn’t even bother glancing her way.

  She had an uncomfortable feeling he wasn’t pleased with her. “Friends at most. Even that is questionable at times.”

  His eyes shot up from his work to look at her. Their thoughts were shadowed by heavy lids. “I understand.” When she still did not move, he added, “Aren’t you supposed to be on stage in five minutes?”

  She blinked. “Yes.” Then giving him a searching look asked before she made her exit, “Are you sure everything is all right?”

  He took a deep breath and the solemn but blank look on his face evaporated. He ran a hand along his jaw line and searched her face, then lifted the corners of his mouth and gave her a short grin. “Yep. Now, go knock ‘em dead. Remind me that I didn’t make a big mistake by letting you perform.”

  She smirked in response, relieved to see him good-humored once more. Turning toward the door she muttered “hardly” before any thoughts of Tristan, Audrey, Daniel, Jamie, unknown redheads, and any other unwanted intruders entered her head. Her focus was singing. With a spark to her walk, she flounced toward the stage and the band as they prepared to set up. They exchanged a few necessary details, tested the microphone, and then broke immediately into her first song.

  Except for her singing and the band’s music, there was no other sound to be heard in the bar. The crowd was thin as she predicted, with the odd table occupied, but most of the clientele in attendance were lounging at the bar, absorbed in their drinks and solitary company oblivious to the live band playing for them. Even the bartender seemed more engrossed in getting a perfect shine from his countertop than the performance on stage.

  After she sang a few more songs Sonya stopped watching for Tristan. He didn’t make an appearance as she had hoped. It would have been nice. She was finally doing what she had always dreamed about doing, and she was getting there on her own merits. Still, a scrap of support wouldn’t have hurt.

  Her mind began to drift and she wondered what Daniel would think if he were there. Would he compliment her on her singing vocals? Would he praise her ability to achieve her dreams? Would he tell her she had the talent to go as far as she wanted?

  That was the thing about Daniel. He never chastised her dreams. No matter how ludicrous or different they appeared from his perception of success. He had the ability to make her believe in herself without having to say a word.

  A tiny spark of sorrow caught her off guard when she realized that she wished Daniel could have been there.

  * * *

  Life appeared to be falling into a predetermined destiny. Sonya continued to play Monday nights to a meager crowd while Daniel’s personal life began to pick up. He seemed to be spending more and more time with Jamie and little time with Sonya. This was probably for the best, but she couldn’t shake the feeling of testiness whenever he had to hurry off in fear of being late with Jamie.

  Happily, she still had Saturday morning. They jogged side by side in the wooded park on the dirt trail they followed every Saturday. Daniel was a good jogger. They picked up the sport together almost from the first Saturday after he moved in. It was a mutual activity they both enjoyed; therefore, it was understandable they would meet routinely from that point on.

  They had just started down the narrow path on their way back, when she told him slightly out of breath, “The house band has asked me to be lead vocal on some of their songs.”

  He smiled over at her. “That’s great.”

  “I’ll get to perform every night with them.” She told him between heavy pants.

  “What about waitressing?” His voice, on the other hand, did not sound in the least bit breathless.

  “I’ll have to split my shifts so that I can sing one or two songs per night.” Holding her hand to her chest, she slowed to a walking pace and took deep breaths of air.

  Daniel stopped jogging to walk beside her. More out of courtesy than fatigue as he hardly looked like he broke a sweat.

  “I’ll be performing tonight.” She informed him and rubbed the back of her hand against a sweaty brow where she felt a vein pulsating rapidly. “My first real audience.”

  “I’m sure you’ll do great.” He walked with his hands on his hips, causing Sonya to wonder idly if maybe he got cramps after all from jogging. His face, on the contrary, looked far from painful. The jagged dirt path they were using became slightly narrow and forced them to walk in a single line.

  Sonya watched his back, then asked as casual as she could, “So what’s on your schedule tonight?”

  “Jamie and I have to adjust a system glitch and then retest the entire network—”

  “Daniel, do you never take time off!” Exasperated, Sonya drew to a stop.

  He stopped and looked back at her. “It needs to be done this weekend when no one is there to activate one of the many channels—”

  She shook her head angrily at his alien jargon and covered her throbbing head with her hands. “I meant, isn’t there someone else who can do the work. Why must it always be you?”

  “It’s my job.” He stated so matter-of-fact it occurred to Sonya that he not only conceded it as his duty but he also did it out of passion. She had a feeling he wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.

  Sighing, she began walking again. “You’re spending an awful lot of time with Jamie.”

  Daniel frowned, turning to study her profile as she walked briskly beside him. “That’s what interns do.”

  “Well, maybe Jamie would like to do something different from working all the time.”

  He frowned as if the idea had sincerely never occurred to him. “I suppose.”

  “Daniel, you’re unbelievable.” Sonya threw her hands up in vexation. She really had to teach this boy a thing or two about w
omen. “Why don’t you give you and Jamie a break? Say, later, after you’re all done down at the Institute.”

  He drew his bottom lip up in acknowledgement and admittedly nodded his head. “Yeah, we could do that.”

  Sonya grinned. “Maybe Jamie might be in the mood for dinner and wine and some music—”

  “I guess I could order pizza and maybe rent a movie.”



  Sonya’s smile vanished. A romantic dinner at Daniel’s apartment? Unwelcome images suddenly began to form in her head. She could see a naked Daniel stretched out on his leather sofa with a beautiful redheaded starlet draped over him. Her hair would be drawn up in a severe bun and she would be wearing a matching pair of glasses. Dressed in form fitting tailored grey pantsuit, she would straddle him and seductively remove each piece of clothing until at last she was just as stark naked. Daniel would then reach up and remove her glasses and unpin her hair to allow it to flow freely against his bare chest.

  With an angry thrust Sonya pushed the image aside and broke into a run, overcome by a sudden urge to get back to her apartment and have a clean cold shower. No surprise, Daniel kept abreast the entire way back.

  Chapter 6

  Between getting ready for work and psyching herself up for tonight’s performance, Sonya loitered near her apartment window that overlooked the parking lot. She kept telling herself it was to will the time away and keep up with the happenings of her building, but it was Daniel’s vehicle that she kept a watchful eye out for.

  His life was no concern of hers. She continued to tell herself that, but she worried so much for him. Daniel was so naïve in this field. Sonya, on the other hand, was practically an expert. She nearly jumped with relief when she saw his car pull in an hour before she was to leave for work. When she heard his footsteps coming down the corridor she allowed him time to enter his apartment before she scurried across the hall and rapped on his door.